regarding the Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the personal data protection and the GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION (GDPR) – regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council No. 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, this document contains information on the processing of personal data and the general data protection by Frambo, s.r.o.
Company name: Frambo, s.r.o.
Registered office: Kišovce 546, 059 12 Hôrka, Slovakia
Reg. No: 46 345 825
Name and address of the facility: APARTMENT PATRIS 33 - Apartment house Patris, Rekreačná 1168, flat 33, 3rd floor, 059 41 Tatranská Štrba
(hereinafter referred to as the "Controller")
Regarding the provision of accommodation services, we require the following personal data of the accommodated persons (i.e. the persons concerned) to be provided:
1. Name and surname
2. Permanent address
3. Number of ID card or travel document
4. Date of birth and nationality (only foreigners)
5. Telephone number and / or email address
We are obliged to process data 1 to 3 for the purposes of proof of registration pursuant to Articles 37 - 43 of Act no. 582/2004 Coll. on Local Taxes and Local Fees for Municipal Waste and Small Construction Waste and the General Regulation of the Municipality of Štrba no. 12/2015 dated 23.11.2015 on local taxes on accommodation, on bookkeeping, records and complaints.
Data 4 we are obliged to process according to § 112-113 of Act no. 404/2011 Coll. on stay of foreign citizens.
Registry of these data is therefore a legal obligation applicable to the Controller and does not require informed consent of the accommodated guests.
The telephone number (5) is required for communication with the guests before and during their stay for the purposes of the Controller's legitimate interests.
All data provided are used solely by the law and for the time necessary for the provision of the ordered services, we do not use them for marketing purposes and we do not provide them to third parties.
We do not use other Processors to process these data.
The responsible Data Protection Officer is not a Controller's employee. Contact e-mail: